Legal Diversion Program
Hey there! We're proud to share that Step Three, Inc. is launching a 26-week Legal Diversion Program (LDP) in Broken Bow, Oklahoma. We're focused on eliminating violence in our communities and helping participants develop personal responsibility, coping strategies, empathy, and more.
All services are based on non-victim blaming strategies.
Legal Diversion Program Details
Learn more about Step Three, Inc.'s 26-week Legal Diversion Program below.
Program Focus
Step Three, Inc is dedicated to helping individuals realize their potential for change. Our Legal Diversion Program is a 26-week journey that promotes personal accountability, teaches valuable life skills and fosters healthy relationships.
We firmly believe that a non-violent life can become a reality for those who commit to making positive life changes.
Program Confidentiality
The Legal Diversion Program (LDP) is an educational program, not a therapeutic program and will not have the same level of confidentiality afforded by mental health services. The program will not assure confidentiality with respect to;
Judge, District Attorney or referring agency.
Current partner
The victim(s)
Parent of any of your children
Probation and Parole
Law Enforcement
Anyone toward whom there is a risk of imminent harm by you
Coordinated Community Response Team
The domestic violence victim services program
The program will promise confidentiality with respect to; the general public, news media and anyone else not covered in the expectations set forth above.
Legal Diversion Program Fees
The program places value on participants' commitment and involvement. The associated fees contribute to the provision of quality support and resources throughout each participant’s journey.
Initial Assessment:…..........$100
Each Missed Assessment ... $25
Weekly Group Sessions .......$25
Post-Assessment …….. .......$25
Reinstatement Fee…..….…..$50
Program Highlights
The program offers an alternative to jail for many individuals.
The program begins and ends with an individual assessment.
The program consists of one
90-minute group session per
week for 26-weeks.
Group sessions are held outside of regular business hours. There are weekend and evenings groups for your convenience.
Participants may be referred for additional services such as mental health or drug & alcohol intervention.
Services begin promptly at the scheduled time. Late attendance is not permitted and results in an absence.
A letter of completion is provided upon successful completion of the program
Group Schedule
To Be Announced
Program Referrals
When a referral is made, the referring agency faxes a referral form to Step Three and gives a copy to the intended participant. The form lists all documentation that the person must bring to his/her screening and assessment.
These materials include copies of all reports and orders related to the case including:
Court Order
Police Report
CSW Service Plan
Probation Order
Protective Orders
Program Core Values
1. Battering is a societal issue with criminal implications.
2. Battering is never justified
3. Battering stems from personal choice, not external factors.
4. Offenders must take full responsibility for their actions.
5. Violence and coercion are conscious decisions.
6. Victims are never to blame.
7. Participants can learn and implement non-violent behaviors and alternatives.
8. Interventions prioritize the safety of victims and dependents.
9. Interventions aim to foster mutuality, trust negotiation, and fairness in relationships.
10. The program emphasized th4e important of ongoing self-reflection and introspection, encouraging exploration of the root causes of behaviors.